What are these teams up to? Two days until Demo Day @ Protechting

What are these teams up to? Two days until Demo Day @ Protechting

Two Days until Demo Day at Protechting… Tik Tok..

Two months ago Protechting by Fosun & Fidelidade kicked off, but if at first sight it seems that time just flew by, for each one of the selected teams, each day was a hard battle to take their startup to the next level. If at Beta-i everyday was a learning opportunity through access to workshops, talks and meetings with mentors and experts, outside they had the challenge to get user feedback, test their platforms and approach potential clients.

It all started two months ago and now, only two days away from the Demo Day, the teams are collecting all the relevant and final info and goals achieved to craft their pitch. Last week we did a status update on three of the teams and now we bring you news on other seven teams.

Here are the other seven teams and what they’ve been working on


iVigilate Protechting Beta-i
iVigilate is working on behavior monitoring using a web-based platform and beacons that are strategically placed in the location and the person to monitor. The technology is aimed to help control individuals that might not be in their full capacity, such as elder people and children.

What initially started as an attendance management platform is now designed for the Healthcare and Security markets. They have a working pilot, waiting to be implemented at Hospital do Mar and iVigilate is also working with BClose on a platform targeted to the Security market, allowing to monitor security rounds.

It’s always interesting to witness first hand when two Startups have the chance to partner inside an accelerator.


Logo-Bclose Protechting Beta-i

What started as a platform to standardize all the interfaces of different security equipment at big companies is now a B2C IoT portal that joins more than 50 features. The app analyzes real-time info on human behaviors, detects patterns and then suggests different actions according to the context. They already have a working platform where diverse devices are integrated, all related with safety, health, wellness and energy management but Bclose gets stronger as more services are continuously getting included.

They’re already in Spain, France and Switzerland and they plan to approach the Asian and American markets. Fidelidade is doing an internal testing with the app and José Villa, Marketing Manager at Fidelidade and one of their Coaches at Protechting has been one of the great assets, providing valuable inputs to the team.


Motions Protechting Beta-i

When you detect some loss or damage at your house you usually call your insurance and they send an expert to evaluate, right? These are claim experts and even nowadays they still take almost a whole day to do the evaluation and the full report they need to deliver.

MotionsCloud developed a mobile solution that allows them to complete the whole process in about 3 hours, saving extra time and costs. They already have a (paid) working pilot running with a claims firm in Germany, where they’re based. It was there that Lex heard about Protechting and immediately knew it could be the perfect accelerator to work on some of their biggest challenges.

Truth is it’s usually not easy to get access to some of the top players in the market, and right now the team has access to great insights, feedback form different departments and also the chance to personally follow the day of a Claim expert. Thanks to Nuno Soares and the other Coaches from Fidelidade a possible pilot with the insurance company is now in due diligence stage.

Consulta do Viajante

Consulta do Viajante Protechting Beta-iDiogo works as a doctor in a Clinic and when he arrives home he still has the opportunity to do more appointments. How? He created a telemedicine platform where patients can schedule their appointments, do the video consults, pay and receive their prescription. Right now is already working in the area of travelling appointments, “Consulta do Viajante”, but the plan is to expand to other areas such as General Medicine, Pediatrics and Mental Health.

Right now the payments and prescriptions are made through third parties so one of the main challenges is to work on a way to do them internally.

One of the most valuable learnings was when they heard about NPS (Net Promoter Score) and how to get and work on customer feedback, a talk by Diogo Teles, from FaberVentures.

How did Diogo discover about the Protechting program? He worked as a volunteer three years ago in a Beta-i event and since them he stayed tuned until he saw this was a chance he could not miss.

They’re currently talking with Fidelidade to implement a pilot focused on Occupational Health.


Kylega Protechting Beta-i

When  something unfortunate happens to someone, it’s never easy to have their assets distributed.

With the premise of “Keep your legacy”, Kylega started with the goal of allocating any person’s assets to his relatives in case of death. The concept created by three Iseg Alumni has now evolved to much more than that, allowing anyone to manage all their assets in their life: from bank accounts and houses to social media profiles.

For each one of them, the user defines an accountable person and a general “keeper” that is responsible for activating the distribution when something happens.

They have a working platform that is now being tested inside and outside Fidelidade to get as much feedback possible. All these inputs will be included on the final Pitch, one of their priorities in these final days.

So far Protechting has helped them work on issues such as the user experience, design and how to adapt their product to different corporate solutions.


Lifesymb Protechting Beta-i

When the grandfather of the founder suffered from several strokes without being able to fully recover due to the lack of the proper follow-up and help, Lifesymb was born.

This is a platform with a complex algorithm that uses a camera and sensors to analyze your posture and body movements. After the scan the platform recommends exercises, through video tutorials, or even a physical therapist if it’s more serious.

With a working platform, posture corrections and injury healing were some of the tested features with the athletes of last Iron Man Triathlon competition and also at the main triathlon competition in Stockholm. Through Fidelidade they managed to make a deal with Multicare for a pilot starting in July with Luz Saúde clinics.


Queseguro Protechting Beta-i
We all know how choosing the right insurance for your needs can become a real challenge.

Companies that show themselves with more transparency to their clients can develop a more close relation with them, and the evolution of the market points in that direction. Miguel lived abroad for 12 years, where he had access to insurance aggregators and when he arrived again to Portugal he decided to work on his own platform.

QueSeguro was created two years ago and is now evolving with more insurance companies being involved and a growing user base. The relation with Fidelidade was a great opportunity for both sides to understand each other and see how they could eventually work together.

10.000€ and a Roadshow to China are waiting for the winners this Thursday

All these entrepreneurs are giving their best to steal the show at the final presentation and win the 10.000€ first prize or a place in one of the three selected teams that will participate in a roadshow to China where they’ll have the chance to meet some of the world’s most influential investors. The integration of their platforms with Fidelidade’s services can also be a dream come true for most of these Startups.

So far this has been a great experience for the teams, Fidelidade and Beta-I – if initially it might sound strange to get together the corporate world and Startups, now we can surely affirm there is a vast world of opportunities and benefits in this kind of symbiosis.

Stay tuned to see who the winners are on Thursday!

Pitch Deck Perfect at Protechting From Fidelidade & Fosun

Pitch Deck Perfect at Protechting From Fidelidade & Fosun

As the start-ups from our corporate accelerator with Fidelidade and Fosun, Protechting, get ready to pitch at the final which will be held on Thursday in one of the auditoriums of Fidelidade, we thought it might be useful to highlight some of the best pitch decks out there, of companies that you most probably have heard of.

You can check out the a list of 38 here on StartupFundraising and there is also the site bestpitchdecks.com that has an even larger selection including Facebook’s first deck and Airbnb’s.

As you look through them you’ll see that they usually don’t have more than 20 slides and always cover the following topics:

  • Product / problem & solution
  • Business model
  • Market size
  • Team

There is no scientific way of creating THE pitch deck and you will hear many differing opinions – ultimately, like everything else in this process, it’s up to you – just make sure everyone understands you and your idea. Better to be rejected because people don’t see the value in your start-up than because they didn’t understand what you do.

Youtube pitch deck from Alexander Jarvis

[slideshare id=56558364&doc=youtubepitchdeck-151230174251]

BrandBoards demo day pitch deck from 500 Startups

[slideshare id=11141069&doc=brandboardsdemodaypitchdeck-120118131821-phpapp01]

Chewse Pitch Deck from NEEDMADE

[slideshare id=18142080&doc=chewsedeck-130205130100-phpapp02-130403212909-phpapp01]

Foursquare’s 1st Pitch Deck from Rami Al-Karmi

[slideshare id=10620782&doc=foursquare-1st-pitch-2009-111216233113-phpapp02]

Buzzfeed investor deck 2008 from Chris Ellis

[slideshare id=37911918&doc=buzzfeedinvestordeck2008-140812084757-phpapp01]

A Kid’s Dream by MOYUPI @Lisbon Challenge Startups

A Kid’s Dream by MOYUPI @Lisbon Challenge Startups

This article about Moyupi is part of the Lisbon Challenge series on each startup of the Spring ’16 edition – introducing you to each of the startups and what they are up to.

Moyupi knows you’ve been there. You remember having a billion ideas going through your mind at all moments, with just a thin layer between the real and the imaginary world. Eventually you started growing up and the world introduced you to all the rules, paradigms and behaviors you’re supposed to follow for the rest of your life.

Moyupi Startup Drawing ToyBut there was a before.. a before where there were no barriers, where almost everything could become possible. Where you had a different perspective about everything and you took notice of all the little things the grown-ups missed. Where you created characters and heroes in parallel universes and where every object could become something else entirely.

Imagination is the beginning of Creation and Creation was and is the key to a better future, for a more fulfilling life and to a higher level of performance at work.

From all the drawings and stories created, imagine how a child would feel if they saw one of their characters come to life. Their own hero with whom they could play – an exciting promise that not even videogames can presently match in a world that is becoming increasingly virtual.

MOYUPI makes a child’s dream come true by converting their drawings into real-life toys, through 3D-printing technology.


Juan Medina is the founder and together with Pedro Garcia, they’re working hard on their own dream fuelled by the touching reactions they witness when a child sees their toy for the very first time. They designed a platform where parents can submit their child’s drawings and Moyupi then works with a network of freelancers that includes designers, owners of 3D printers and painters to make all this happen.

At Lisbon Challenge, the  initial two-week bootcamp ends today and it’s great to see how much they have improved – they had so much feedback to absorb from all the workshops, mentors and other startups. It’s helped them in this phase which includes testing and adapting their business model, the packaging, a partnership strategy and how to approach the international market.


You can also be a part of this dream as it becomes a reality by joining their community and reaching out to Juan and Pedro on their Website and Facebook.

Innovation Solving Everyday Problems: Protechting Startups Update Part I

Innovation Solving Everyday Problems: Protechting Startups Update Part I

Protechting Startups are bringing innovation in areas we can all relate to: the protection of people and their belongings, service, health and savings. So how are these teams building the tools that will change our daily routines?

This is the first of a series of three blogposts updating you on the latest developments of the startups in the Protechting startup accelerator program by Fidelidade/Fosun and Beta-i.

A lot of progress has been made so far in the program by the teams but the most important part still lies ahead as we’re just two weeks away from the final presentation. Mário from CleeBeen Technologies, Bart from Ectosense and Ridhi from Noxidity joined us for a quick status update on their learnings and milestones.

CleenBeen Technologies aims to resolve one of the most predominant problems in hospital environment: bacterial/superbug and MRSA infections through an IoT technology that provides real-time information about the levels and hygiene processes at any hospital. By using CleenBeen’s solution, hospitals will contribute to a better infection controlled environment, reducing the resulting diseases (even deaths) and the associated maintenance costs.

Hospital Infections innovation
Their initial focus was on hospital’-s’ bathrooms, where they applied their sensors to see if the hygiene steps we’re being followed correctly, controlling for example the time the water tap was open, if people dried their hands and if they had flushed the toilets, between many other metrics.
But we all know how speaking with potential customers can radically change the way you build and implement your solution: Since they started talking with the head of the Infection Control department at the Beatriz Ângelo Hospital in Lisbon, Dr. Carlos Palos, they realized that instead hygiene control in bathrooms, their main focus should be the medical rooms where the patients are in direct contact with doctors, nurses and other staff elements.


Definitely extremely valuable feedback that most of times only experts can give you.
The CleenBeen team was “lucky”CleenBeen Protechting Startup to have met Dr. Carlos Palos as one of the Coaches assigned to the Protechting program –as soon as they met each other they knew that implementing a pilot at Beatriz Ângelo Hospital was the next big step, and they’re working on the final legal issues to start the pilot.

Their main challenge right now is to “teach” their algorithm to learn the five steps for hand-Hygiene made by the World Health Organization (WHO), the fifth being the most tricky one: How to control the hygiene process of somebody who enters a medical room, without having close contact with the patient but who still needs to clean his hands before leaving the room.

Ectosense leverages mobile technology to measure and analyze the user’s sleep quality in their home environment. Analyzing the user’s heart rate using third-party devices as well as recording other inputs gathered through your mobile device, the app determines the presence of disturbed sleep in a similar way the physician would do it.

Ectosense Startup Protechting

“Lisbon is a nice and cheap city to live in and the main reason we applied was the sponsors because they’re right in our industry and also the direct-level access we have with experts through Beta-i and Fidelidade/Fosun. That in any other way would be really hard to reach.”


Again, expert feedback at Hospital da Luz was one of the key moments of the program since it allowed them to validate the features they had planned and start defining what to prioritize.  They also had a really relevant time with Marcelo Lebre, Lead Developer at Faber Ventures, who help them structure their IT architecture.

Noxidity, a new Internet-of-Things enabled (IoT) technology that predicts and facilitates the maintenance of corrosion, is now focused on interviewing larger companies to gather as much input as they can while developing the prototype.

Noxidity Startup Protechting

For example, many of the utilities companies have sub-power stations in remote locations that easily corrode. With Noxidity’s technology, the companies will be able to keep track of the corrosion levels in real-time from their offices, saving money and time. The team also secured a really relevant advisor, the President of the European Federation of Corrosion, Dª Fátima Montemor.

In Lisbon Ridhi found a growing Startup ecosystem, where people and businesses genuinely want to help, high quality talent is easy to find and where the quality of life is a tremendous plus point.

With two weeks to go and so much work to get done the pressure on the startups is rising but their contagious motivation and drive will definitely boost a killer presentation on the final day. Freddie Mercury would clearly define the goal for these two last weeks: From singing “Under Pressure” in the middle of the show to a “We Are the Champions” overwhelming performance in the end.

If you want to learn more about the Protechting startup accelerator program or any of the teams that are taking innovation to the next level, then do get in touch here

You Got into the Lisbon Challenge accelerator. Now What?

You Got into the Lisbon Challenge accelerator. Now What?

Yesterday was the first day of the Lisbon Challenge Spring’16 edition which is testing out a smaller batch number in the quest to concentrate on quality. As all the founders sat in the auditorium listening to Pedro Rocha Vieira welcoming them to the 6th edition of the main accelerator of Beta-I, one would hope that most were internalizing their plan for the 10 weeks they will get to work hard, play hard and relax – the benefits of being in Lisboa.

You Are in Control

Accelerator programs don’t guarantee any kind of success instead provide the platform and tools for your startup to evolve – how much is really up to you. That’s why it’s essential that as a CEO you clearly define your path, create milestones and aggressively pursue them to ensure the final outcome is superior to what you initially envisaged.

It’s all about setting realistic expectations and understanding that the Lisbon Challenge accelerator provides you with mentorship, expert advice, networking and a structured program but it’s in the quality of questions that you’ll find the quality answers and solutions. Ask smart questions, chase people up and use their expertise to help you progress.

Though you will have access to investors at several stages of the accelerator, culminating in the demo days, you need to ensure that your product, team and pitch is first class – obsess over the details but don’t forget your product.

Your Product

Do you have customers that love your product? Airbnb’s co-founder and CEO, Brian Chesky recalls the advice Paul Graham gave him whilst at Y-Combinator – if you have people that love your product, you don’t have to worry about the viral growth thing – it will take care of itself.

Some startups focus too much on the investment and even though we realize how important that is when your runway is short, overly focusing on this can become a distraction for the founders taking too much time away from further developing your product.

For every main aspect of building your startup, there will be a mentor or expert on hand to help you in finding solutions. Though access to these professionals is extremely valuable, don’t underestimate the relationships that you will be able to develop with your program peers and Beta-I team. The capacity to bounce ideas off other founders that have as many similar as diverse experiences as you, is invaluable – a network that will outlive the time you spend in Lisboa.

Accelerator Advice

You will be exposed to many people who share their views openly, often giving you conflicting advice but despite all the support and great advice you get, you are still expected to think for yourselves. This is your startup and it’s your future. Lisbon Challenge will provide you access to data and informed opinions but you need to process them with caution. Part of the learning process is handling conflicting feedback from the many mentors and experts. They are not wrong, just in context to each and everyone’s experience and vision of business. Be courteous and above all check your egos at the door – be open minded and respectful then take the decision that is right for you.

Increasing Your Odds of Success

Mark Suster wrote this week the post “How to decrease the odds that your startup fails” with some very useful insights that you should take the time to read:

  1. Building for Yourself Instead of a Market
  2. Lack of Any Market Validation
  3. One-Sided Competitive “Analysis”
  4. No Route to Customers
  5. Claiming False Competitive Advantages
  6. Winging the 60-Second Pitch
  7. Ignoring Your Faults

Mark ends with:

“Plan. Think. Study. Test. Validate data. Validate firmly held positions. Know your planned sources of differentiation and adjust as you learn. Read plenty of “what went wrong” eulogies by founders and see what you can learn. But also understand that the lens from which they tell you the answer is both imperfect and has a narrative bias.“

There’s also that old saying “the harder I work the luckier I get.” Those who tend to outperform when they graduate from Lisbon Challenge accelerator program really made the most out of the program and probably had a little luck too. So good luck and stay tuned to our blog as we follow your progress and post useful insights to help you along the way.