Smart Open Lisboa: Meet the 8 winning startups…

Smart Open Lisboa: Meet the 8 winning startups…

Last Friday and Saturday we had the Smart Open Lisboa Hackathon at Fundação das Comunicações, where in just 2 days the startups had to build a product using the open data the partners provided. 

We literally felt that history was being made… this is the first open data and smart cities program in Lisbon, and the possibilities are endless.

However, even though during those 2 days we all had a blast, this hackathon had a very specific purpose. Together with all the partners involved we had to choose only 8 startups for the next phase of the program.

Tough choice, like always. But in the end these were the winners that will get to test their solutions in real life, starting in September:




ET Concept

Load Interactive




Congratulations to all and thanks to all the others who took the challenge of improving the city of Lisbon and the lives of millions of people. See you in September!

Cisco Partnering with the Next Generation of Startups and Developers

Cisco Partnering with the Next Generation of Startups and Developers

Rui Brás Fernandes, CTO at Cisco Portugal,  writes about how all the startups  and developers can make the most of Cisco’s tools and resources to foster innovation and bring new solutions to the table. As one of the founding partners of the Smart Open Lisboa these technologies will be available for the teams participating in this project that aims to redefine and improve the city life in Lisbon.

Digital transformation is here. With less than 1 percent of things in the physical world connected to the Internet, there is an incredible opportunity to connect the unconnected, creating vast opportunities for the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform businesses and industries by re-inventing business processes, operational efficiencies and customer service innovations.

No company can do it alone. We need to grow an ecosystem of digital transformation solutions and partners, but this depends on everyone’s participation. On our side, Cisco aims to be at the forefront of innovation and we can best do that by discovering the next generation of startups that will partner with us.

Let’s look at the picture:

  • Cisco is an innovation engine, with more than 170 acquisitions over 30 years plus an annual investment of 5,9B$ in internal R&D.
  • Cisco is, and has always been, looking into market transitions and disruptive technologies that impact the world.
  • While the world is becoming more collaborative, more dynamic and more open, Cisco is also opening its traditional Network world to this new paradigm
  • Technologies like Cloud, SDN, Big Data and Analytics provide new tools to develop solutions and applications based on traditional or new business models and Cisco is making these tools available and “consumable”.

So, what do we have to offer you?

Following this commitment to innovation, in 2014 Cisco launched an initiative called DevNet to make a shift to this new world. DevNet is Cisco’s developer and innovation program, where we give developers the learning and coding resources needed to develop with Cisco platforms and APIs.

DevNet Cisco Smart Open Lisboa Beta-i Startups

How can DevNet help?

  • DevNet’s learning and coding resources are available at
  • DevNet Learning Labs are free, self-paced labs that help people learn coding 101 (with REST, JSON, XML, and python) or networking 101 as well as deep dive into Cisco APIs ranging from collaboration to software-defined networking and work with open source. You have to register to use the Learning Labs, but all the Learning Labs are free.
  • The DevNet Sandbox is a place for developers to code on real Cisco kit, ranging from live networks to contact centers. Jump in and code on real kit!
  • DevNet Labs is a place to showcase DevNet Innovations made by Cisco and by DevNet developers. Take a look at the innovations that exist, or submit your own innovation.

And what Technologies can I use in the Smart Open Lisboa Hackaton?

Cisco is one of SOL founding members and will be looking for disruptive ventures that harness the power of the intelligent network in the Four Challenge areas by developing synergies with the Cisco solutions such as:

How Smart Cities solve sustainability problems

How Smart Cities solve sustainability problems

[fusion_text]“Grrr.. I’m done with changing tires because these streets are mined with holes!”

“I could really use this food app right now to search for a nice local place to eat but can’t waste any more mobile data… Is it possible that, in the 21st century, we still don’t have internet access on city center?”

“How is it possible that, operating in Lisbon (claimed to be one of the sunniest cities in the world), I’m spending such an important amount of my company’s budget paying high electricity bills?”


SMART OPEN LISBOA – the opportunity to fix your daily pains

Ever wondered about one of the above situations or had any similar thoughts on daily city challenges and came out with a solution for that (even if it vanished secs after the light lit)? Well, it’s time to look for that apparently non-sense or too ambitious thought and make it happen as you may have more people supporting you than you think..

Smart Open Lisboa is here for you. It was built to encourage those who want to work on solutions with real and concrete impact, as some tech giants – Cisco, PT, Lisbon city council or Turismo de Portugal –  are backing up crazy ideas being developed in such an innovative accelerator and supporting those who are ready to upgrade Lisbon’s city life.

As mentioned on our website, there are many challenges needing a modern approach and smart solutions including Mobility, Citizen Engagement, Culture and Tourism or Sustainability. Next week (July 1-2) it’s time to turn these and others urban challenges into oppportunities during the SmartOpenLisboa Hackathon taking place at Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações.

You’ll be provided with Cisco technologies to enable your product / service development such as Cisco Spark (for team to stay in sync), CMX (deliver personalized content to mobile devices and gather customer insights), Tropo (simple way to build phone and sms applications) and others.

Is it the case that you feel the above mentioned pains, don’t have any idea about how to fix it but would still like to work on something? Take this example of how to solve sustainability problems by reading this article on Smart Cities (one of the topics that we focus the most at SOL) published (in PT, sorry for that) by Joel Curado from our partner Cisco.[/fusion_text]

Smart Open Lisboa: A New Startup Program on Open Data

Smart Open Lisboa: A New Startup Program on Open Data

We’re officially turning Lisbon into a living lab

Imagine you had access to all aggregated  information of the city you live in: how many people live there, their age profile, crime statistics, traffic statistics, signal coverage, etc. Imagine the great products you could build with that? Products that would actually improve the lives of millions of people.  

So, that’s exactly the goal of Smart Open Lisboa, an open innovation program where startups will get to use the city’s open data to develop and test their solutions in real life conditions.

We want to turn Lisbon into a living lab, by solving the city’s most interesting challenges and improve the lives of millions. Thanks to all the partners of this program, the Municipality of Lisbon, PT, Cisco and Turismo de Portugal, we’ll have enormous amounts of open data to explore. You just need to know where to start…

And for this reason, we’ll be having the Smart Open Lisboa kick-off session at Beta-i, next Thursday, 5th of May, at 6pm, to explain what is open data and to talk about other Smart Cities and how they evolved by making this kind of data available for startups to use.

Join us next Thursday and find out more about open data and smart cities, and the endless possibilities it can create. Let’s upgrade Lisbon’s city life.

Remember to register here for the event.