Why Corporate Innovation Needs Anthropologists?
The question “Why Corporate Innovations Needs Anthropologists” has been gaining relevance lately because of two “instances” – academy and corporate world. Application of anthropology and ethnographic practices as a useful and relevant mark for data collection and analysis within academia and beyond – in business, industry and policy making -, so it starts to be a focus of important reflections and discussions in both sides.
Nevertheless, application of proper anthropological practice and ethnography is asking for in-depth discussions and critical reflection between both sides. The first major steps have been taken with the advent of “Why the World needs Anthropologists?”, whose sixth edition took place in Lisbon on the past October, subjected to the theme “Designing the Future”.
The event organized by the EASA Applied Anthropology Network had Beta-I – an innovation platform – as one of its main sponsors. Here, Beta-I anthropologists shared how they use applied ethnography in order to unlock the potential for innovation within different corporate contexts.
The synergies within the event have shown that the debate cannot be confined to a single annual event. It is imperative to follow up on these question in order to make the subject more tangible and applicable – to turn ethnographic methodologies into visible, appealing and understandable results!
Now, Beta-I and EASA Applied Anthropology Network present a step forward in the direction of strengthening their partnership with a new chapter of collaboration: locally organized satellite events “Why the World Needs Anthropologists?”. The main objective of this collaboration is to demystify the importance of applied anthropology, quality research and thick data within different settings and diverse fields – industry, business, policy-making and society.
Why corporate innovation needs anthropology – Health Edition
In the first edition of “Why corporate innovation needs anthropology – Health Edition” the session will feature the following guests:
- Miguel Crato, Portuguese Hemophilia Association;
- Cristina Ventura, Public Policy Manager of Roche Pharmaceuticals;
- Isabel Lourinho, Psychologist and project coordinator/researcher for Beta-i;
- Ana Isabel Afonso, Anthropologist, assistant professor (FCSH)
The moderation will be in charge of Laura Korčulanin (EASA AAN), Helene Veiga (EASA AAN) and Alisson Avila (Beta-i).
The “Why corporate innovation needs anthropology – Health Edition” will take place on 13th March at Ler Devagar (LXFactory) bookstore and is scheduled to start at 5:00 p.m.
“Why corporate innovation needs anthropology – Health Edition” has the invaluable support of CRIA (Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia) and APA (Associação Portuguesa de Antropologia) as media partners and Esporão and Ler Devagar as logistics partners.