Lisbon Investment Summit: Meet the Speakers of #LIS19

Lisbon Investment Summit: Meet the Speakers of #LIS19

We’re getting excited about Lisbon Investment Summit and the awesome people we’re bringing to speak, inspire and connect on the 6th and 7th of June.

We’re proud to welcome some top investors and speakers to our event, so here’s a little peek at some of the confirmed speakers.


Katz Kiely

Katz is an award-winning serial entrepreneur and pioneer. She built the first open-innovation platform for HP, re-architected the way a UN agency does business and designed a behavior change platform with Intel that connected mobiles, big screens and data.

Currently: She is the founder and CEO of beep: the Behavioural Enterprise Empowerment Platform. beep is an enterprise-level, decentralized, AI software that empowers employees to innovate for efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.

Itxaso del Palacio

Itxaso del Palacio is the current Investment Director at Notion.

Previously, as the VP of Capital at Lepe Partners, she was responsible for building the portfolio of Lepe Capital, through the due diligence to execute the investments and working with the companies in the portfolio. Before Lepe, Itxaso worked as an early stage investor at EC1 Capital, responsible for deal flow across sectors. For the past ten years, Itxaso has worked with startups in London, Silicon Valley, Spain and Latin America.

Past Investments: Unbabel, Onfido,, Evermore Health, Trouva, BridgeU

Sean Seton-Rogers

Sean is a partner and co-founder of PROfounders Capital, an early-stage venture capital fund located in London that invests in and support digital companies. Over a decade of venture capital experience, including stints at with Benchmark Capital Europe and Commonwealth Capital Ventures.

Past Investments: Tweetdeck, OneFineStay, LeapMotion

Board of Advisors: wundertax, NDGIT GmbH – Next Digital Banking

Ricardo Sequerra

Ricardo is the principal at Cherry Ventures.

Previously, he spent several years gaining experience as an operator as well as working closely with founders in the roles he held at Faber Ventures, Seedrs and Seedcamp. Ricardo is especially passionate about businesses building competitive advantages through data and addictive products able to change people’s habits.

Cherry Ventures’ Investments: Auto1 Group, Lesara, Quandoo, Flixbus, Amorelie, Tourradar, Move24 and Joblift

Tobias Schirmer


Tobias is a managing partner at Join Capital.

With previous experience in venture capital, entrepreneurship and financial markets, he believes his entrepreneurial drive, team spirit and empathy have helped him to achieve his professional goals. Specialties: Venture Capital, Corporate Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Enterprise Software, SAAS, Industry 4.0

Join Capital’s Investments: German Bionic, Prodsmart, Proxyclick, Codacy

Member of the Board: Proxyclick, Prodsmart, German Bionic

These are just some of the kick-ass venture capital speakers we’ll have on stage at #LIS19. Investor Full Access and Investor Ultimate early-bird tickets are already sold out, so hurry up and don’t miss out – get your tickets for #LIS19.

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with

A quick Google search for “you are those you spend time with” reveals the most interesting results. There’s Jim Rohn’s “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”, there are mexican, russian, assyrian and japanese proverbs that are variations on the same idea, Corinthians 15:33 says “bad company ruins good morals”, which, when turned into a positive, means “great company makes for great morals”, and even Seneca, the stoic philosopher, said “I spend my time in the company of all the best”. Clearly, there’s power in this timeless, universal truth.

With this in mind, who will you be able to surround yourself with at the Lisbon Investment Summit? Here are 70+ speakers you’ll get to meet, by their fields of expertise.



  1. Ana Casaca, Head of Innovation at José de Mello
  2. Paul Jozefak, Managing Director at Liquid Labs, Otto Group
  3. Maria Antonia Saldanha – Director PAYFORWARD Innovation Program at SIBS  
  4. Timothy O’Connell, Open Innovation Director H-Farm



  1. Janet Bumpas, Program Director at ScaleUpNation
  2. Jenny Fielding, Managing Director at Techstars
  3. Marvin Liao, Partner at 500 Startups
  4. Raphaël Crouan, CEO & Founder at Startup Bootcamp IoT



  1. Sofia Benjumea, Head of Campus Madrid
  2. André Zollinger, Director of International Relations at The Camp
  3. Declan Kelly, Head of Investors at WebSummit
  4. Ricardo Mesquita, Head of Immersive Learning at IE Business School
  5. Francois Mazoudier, Founder at TMRW
  6. Cedric Gaudard, Director of Partnerships at Station F
  7. Louis Papaemmanuel, Director at The European Young Innovators Forum
  8. Paulo Rodrigues Silva, CEO at Euronext Technologies, Portugal
  9. Luís Roquette Geraldes – Senior Associate at Morais Leitão Galvão Teles
  10. Patric Gresko – Head of Division – Innovation and Technology Investments at EIF


Angel Investors

  1. Paola Bonomo – Non Executive Director & Angel Investor at Italian Angels for Growth
  2. Pedro Bandeira – Founder CEO at Red Angels
  3. Zach Coelius – Managing Partner at Coelius Capital


Sector Specific

  1. Alexandre Santos –  Chief Investment Officer at SONAE IM
  2. Richard Muirhead – Founding Partner at Fabric Ventures
  3. José del Barrio – CEO and Founder Samaipata Ventures
  4. Ellen Bark-Lindhout – Co founder at Collider
  5. Celso Martinho – CEO and Founding Partner at Bright Pixel
  6. Valentina Milanova – Venture Associate at Founder Factory
  7. Orson Stadler – Principal at Mustard Seed VC
  8. Antonio Miguel –  Managing Director at Maze Impact
  9. Ricardo Sequerra – Principal at Cherry Ventures
  10. Roberto Saint-Malo – Managing Partner at BetaAngels


Early Stage

  1. Jaime Novoa – Investor at KFund
  2. Philipp Moehring – Venture Hacker at Angellist
  3. Ben Marrel –  Founding Partner at Breega
  4. Laura Roguet – Associate at Korelya Capital
  5. Pierre Yves Meerschman – Co-founder & investor at Daphni
  6. Stephanie Hospital – Founder at OneRagtime
  7. Andrew J Scott – Founding Partner at 7percent Ventures
  8. Sean Seton-Rogers – Partner with PROfounders
  9. Alexandre Flamant – Investor at Notion Capital
  10. Prasad Vanga – Founder & CEO at Anthill Ventures
  11. Joao Kepler Braga – Partner at Bossa Nova Investimentos
  12. Daniel Ibri – Co-founder and Partner at Mindset Ventures
  13. Gillian Muessig – CEO at Outlines Venture Group
  14. Sia Houchangnia – Investment Partner at Seedcamp
  15. Pedro Falcão – Managing Partner at LC Ventures


Early Stage Deep Tech

  1. Gil DibnerFounder  Managing Partner at Angular Ventures
  2. Stephan Morais – Managing General Partner at  Indico Capital Partners
  3. Ton van’t Noordende – Deeptech Investor & CEO at 01 Ventures
  4. Liz Fleming – Principal at Adara Ventures
  5. Pedro Ribeiro Santos – Partner at Armilar Venture Partners


Late Stage Investors

  1. Nicolas Debock IDinvest
  2. Felix Petersen – Managing Director Europe at Samsung Next
  3. Tobias Schirmer – Managing Partner at Join Capital
  4. Ashley Carroll – Partner at Social Capital
  5. Elliot O’Connor – Investor at Firstminute capital
  6. Matthew Weigand – Principal at Accel Partners



  1. Bertier Luyt, Founding Member of Hub France IA
  2. Arbia Smiti, Founder & CEO at Carnet de Mode
  3. Clara Armand-Delille, Founder at ThirdEyeMedia
  4. Laura González-Estéfani, Founder and CEO at TheVentureCity
  5. Florence Herry, CEO at Libheros
  6. Maarten Roerink, CEO at Guidion
  7. Brett Putter, Founder & CEO at Culture Gene
  8. Jean Louis Frechin, Founder & CEO at NoDesign
  9. Sebastião Lancastre, CEO at EasyPay
  10. Jason Lee, Founder & CEO at Illumr
  11. Pablo Viguera, General Manager Spain at Revolut
  12. João Menano, CEO at James
  13. Carolina Marçalo, ICO & Crypto Business Strategist at Aptoide


Make sure you get your ticket here.

The Top Speakers and Investors you’ll meet at LIS Summit

The Top Speakers and Investors you’ll meet at LIS Summit

Talking to investors is usually associated to stress that may even include sweat pouring down your forehead, stuttering and feeling like you’re on your final judgment day – all contributing to the “myth” that all these meetings are conducted in a formal and tense atmosphere.

Actually it doesn’t have to be like that and at Beta-i we’re deconstructing that image: The Lisbon Investment Summit is the proof that to receive great insights on serious investments you don’t need serious meetings or formal talks. You will need to take it seriously.

On the 7th and 8th of June, #LIS16 is back with another two-day event where every attendee can talk with top speakers, in a casual ambience with a lot of unconventional surprises prepared for you.

Speakers & Investors

Speaking of top speakers and investors, we want to introduce you to all of those that have so far confirmed their presence so far  in Lisbon, including:

Ragnar Sass
Ragnar Sass
: Serial Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Pipedrive, a sales management tool with more than 100 000 users across 140 countries and Co-Founder of Garage48, a non-profit organization that promotes Entrepreneurship by organizing events in different parts of the world. He’s also a mentor with a focus on funding, hiring, traction and marketing.


Luciana Lixandru
Luciana Lixandru
: Principal at Accel Partners, where she’s focused on early and growth stage investments in software, Internet and digital companies. Accel Partners has created an impressive portfolio in the las three decades, helping to build companies like Facebook, Groupon, Spotify, Dropbox and Rovio.


Saul Klein
Saul Klein
: One of the most regarded tech celebrities in Europe, Saul is an Entrepreneur, Investor and Operator. He was part of the original executive team at Skype, co-founded Seedcamp, Lovefilm International, The Accelerator Group and Kano between others, and also was a partner at Index Ventures and a board-member at Codecademy.


Meet here the 30 or so speakers already confirmed, stay tuned for the upcoming exciting news and reserve your ticket to the most relevant and irreverent Investment Event in Lisbon before they sell out.

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