The PyData Lisbon Meetup is here to stay
For those who are not familiar with the PyData Meetup we’ll explain it: it’s a program from NumFocus, a non-profit in the United States that supports and promotes world-class, innovative and open source scientific computing. It started as a workshop in 2012 with prominent individuals in the community willing to deliver tutorials and discuss the current state of the Python Scientific Stack. The event was a huge success and it spread all over the United States and Europe.
Until recently Portugal did not have the event so Sílvio Rodrigues, from Jungle.ai, decided to ask for permission to NumFocus and started having it at Beta-i in a partnership with Microsoft – which provides the food. It’s on its way to the 3rd edition and shows no signs of slowing down…on the contrary.
The free event outgrew the auditorium on the second floor and moved to a bigger one on the 8th floor, also in Beta-i, and that is where is taking place on December 13 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. with speakers from Uniplaces and EDP.
Unlike what people may think it is open to everyone, not only developers or data scientists, it is for everyone who has an interest in learning as well as networking, recruiting or even be recruited.
The meetup usually sells out in one day but for all of those who could not secure a spot the event is always live streamed and there will always be another one, you just have to be faster the next time. And by the way, if you are a data scientist looking for a new challenge you may want to speak with Jungle.ai, they may have what you’ve been looking for all along and you never knew.