First Re-Think Session focused on acceleration programs and their impacts
This Friday marks the beginning of the Re-Think Sessions. Meaning, the beginning of a space for open discussion made for entrepreneurs, future entrepreneurs who wish to know more about the ecosystem and what’s in this world for them or just curious people.
Every last Friday of the month – except if it’s a holiday, then it will be on Thursday – we will have key speakers to talk with the community about a specific topic. The subject of this first session will be: Acceleration Programs and their impacts on a startup and the ecosystem. It is open to everyone, whether you’ve participated on an acceleration program or you want but still have doubts on how it is going to help you.
In the future feel free to suggest any topic you’d like to know more about and we’ll find the right speakers to enlighten you. The discussion will take 45 minutes, from 7 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. and then there will be time for Q&A.
Our speakers (or panelists, if you prefer) this week will be: Marta Baptista, Innovation Manager at Beta-i; José Damião, Director of Incubadora de Empresas; Marta Miraldes from Startup Lisboa and Gianluca Pereyra, Co-founder of Visor.ai.
If for some reason you can’t join us you can always follow us on Facebook because the session will be live streamed and ask your questions there when the Q&A starts. Unfortunately it’s not possible to send you a beer via Facebook – yes, TGIF will be happening at the same time – but you can always come another Friday.
The session is taking place in Beta-i and entrance is free as well as the beer. Check out more information here.