Investor’s Academy comes with a Scholarship Award to IE Business School
After last year’s giant success of the Investor’s Academy we decided to bring it back. The goal is to provide participants with the unique chance to learn best practices, first-hand experiences and receive concrete help on how to define their investment roadmap from seasoned players.
The winner of the Investors Academy wins a Scholarship Award to IE Business School for the Venture Capital course, just like last year. Jorge Batista and Rita Sousa were the winners and were accompanied by Isabel Salgueiro, at the time Lisbon Challenge Program Director.
I asked Isabel how was the experience and she told me “it was a great experience, not only to learn with real professionals but we also built a small network of highly interesting people that were taking the course at the same time”.
Adding that “during 3 days, we were exposed to great teachers that actually work in the venture capital area, and taught based on real examples of the past. I highly recommend this scholarship to whoever wants to learn more about the VC world”.
Maybe that was the beginning of Isabel’s change in career, the fact is that now she’s no longer with us and she’s working at a venture capital. This year the participants have the opportunity to win the same Scholarship again, so buy your Ultimate Investor’s Ticket here, before it’s too late.