by holiveira | Oct 11, 2017 | Corporates
Yes, Porto Business School, Beta-i, Bright Pixel and Lionesa all teamed up to launch REACTOR, an ambitious project that aims to support innovation and entrepreneurship in Oporto. First presented at this year’s “Pixels Camp”, on the 28th of September, REACTOR intends to disrupt corporate innovation, by exposing them to high doses of entrepreneurs and startups, starting next November.
It’s operating base will be the North of Portugal, but the idea is to reach the rest of the country, and the European (and global) market. REACTOR’s main mission will be to promote innovation, bringing corporates, entrepreneurs and startups closer together, and allowing them access to tools as critical as consultancy, acceleration, investment, countrywide and international networks, or community, among others.
Porto Business School will be in charge of the coordination, management, and implementation of the project, very much in line with its current strategy, and all the partners will contribute with their specific know-how and skill set.
For Beta-i, “we see here a clear opportunity to create synergies, not only in the acceleration field, where we can obviously make a difference, but also as a chance to be part of a project with global reach and ambition, in a collaborative system, that will help generate critical mass around the second biggest city in Portugal. This strategy, that’s intended to create positive disruption, in the way we look at the Portuguese innovation map, is very much in line with our goals and mission as an organization, and with our plans for expansion, home and abroad”, comments Pedro Rocha Vieira, CEO, and co-founder at Beta-i.
“REACTOR represents a strong partnership, with the right players, and the proper ingredients to develop a new and ambitious innovation concept, while contributing to the development of a new innovation ecosystem, from Oporto to the world”, he adds.
Lionesa, a creative hub that harbors hundreds of companies and almost 5.000 collaborators, will act as the ‘cradle’ this project. As Lionesa likes to say, “a business that makes nothing but money is a poor business”. Henry Ford quotes still rule!
PS – if you need more information regarding REACTOR, just drop them an email, at

by catherinel | Oct 10, 2017 | Startups
The Web Summit is around the corner. You can feel it in the air and there’s is a frenzy of activity similar to what we experienced last year. This time, everyone knows what to expect. But is everyone really ready for it?
For us, the main value of the Web Summit, or any conference for that matter, comes from preparation! So, to ensure that the Portuguese startups get the best out of the Web Summit, one of the first activities that Beta-i will be hosting is the Road2WebSummit Bootcamp in partnership with Startup Portugal and Web Summit. For those who don’t know, this is an immersive 2-day workshop for the lucky startups chosen for the Websummit Alpha program. That is, a whopping 150 startups. The Bootcamp, running both in Lisbon and Porto, will offer practical and hands-on sessions to help them better plan, set clear objectives and milk the Web Summit before, during and after.
Taking some key learnings from last year edition, this year we have an even more focused program with excellent partners and speakers from Torke CC, Faber Ventures, Web Summit, Startup Portugal and also Beta-i’s very own in-house experts.
To give you a sneak peak, the topics we choose to focus on are:
Building Relationships with Investors at the Web Summit – Yes! building relationships, not getting investment. I mean, hopefully, you get it, but the investment can at times be a lengthy process. So we’re bringing everything back down to earth and speaking frankly about what is needed to start that relationship so that months after we will have a success story.
Building Relationships with Corporates at the Web Summit – While it’s not exactly sexy, sometimes it’s the right thing for your business. Getting a large corporate client onboard as a partner who uses your solution can reap the same or sometimes better results. But unlike investors, they are a whole different player to deal with.
How to Network like a Pro – Conferences in my opinion offer unparalleled networking opportunities. So many people, many of them interesting people, many of them not living in your country. The Web Summit brings so many people together you need to know how to approach them, filter them and move along to the next effectively.
How to Hack the Websummit Online and Offline – This will be an epic workshop giving you the tools to be creative and think outside the box to make your startup visible. Because let’s face it, the Websummit is a marketplace. It is huge and slightly disorientating, but for the Alpha startups, it is an opportunity to be seen!
How to pitch your Startup – Not only pitching on stage but learning the techniques of the elevator pitch and how to quickly introduce yourself so that my grandmother understands what you are doing for a living.
Goal Setting – Making sure that you know what you are going out there to do!
The Bootcamps take place already on the 18th/19th of October in Lisbon and on the 25th/26th in Porto and we’re looking forward to work with all Web Summit Alpha Startups:
- 3DWays
- 4Geo
- AdsYeah!
- advertIO
- Agriw
- Aixtel Engineering
- AltarIO
- Alugados
- Analiticómania
- Apponscreen
- Aquaponics Iberia
- Aromni
- Awesome
- Bandora Systems
- BeOnit – IoT Solutions
- BeOutdare
- Biklio
- Botly
- BrainScrap
- Cereja no Topo da Net
- CloudStream Portugal
- comunicatorium
- Cosoftw
- Costa Rank
- Darefor
- Darwin & Warhol Marketing e Comunicação
- DentlaSoft
- Diktalist
- Doc-Digitizer
- Drag & Print
- Drible Lda
- Drivit
- euPago
- Exaud
- Famel
- FarmCloud
- FAXIME Game Studio
- Fintech Server
- Fixando
- FoundVet
- Framelink
- Full Circle
- FullNumber
- Gamma Flow
- Globestamp
- Goin
- gowi-fi
- GuideSquare
- Hipnode
- HotelVoy
- Houzguide
- Icontrends
- Ideal Sumario
- Ideia Magenta
- Infinite Foundry
- INIU – Your True Nature
- Inspire IT
- Invoice Capture
- izigo
- Jamap Consult
- Kylega
- Lettuce Grow
- Lisdesigners
- Loyalchain
- Lymphact
- Mad4ideas
- MakeWise
- Mapidea
- Match-Photos
- Metablue Solution
- Mitdream
- Mobinteg
- mobiware
- Moloko
- Mredis
- Muuv
- My Greener Trip
- Nazareth Collection
- NDI Lda – Pipa Apps
- Near Partner
- Neargrow
- NeuroPsyAI
- Nrides
- Nutsoft
- OyO – Organize Your Office
- P2T – Email protector
- ParallelWisdom
- Parcela Já
- Perceive3D
- PetUniversal
- phyen
- Picma
- PicoSpark
- Pixelplan – Digital Web
- Pixnit
- Pluralo
- Poosh
- ProGrow
- Prova de Vida
- RedShift
- Reveal Portugal
- RI-TE Radiation Imaging Technologies
- Rotacional
- Scrutinit
- Serfarma
- Shake It
- Shut Eye Space
- SmartLunch
- SnapCity
- Social Grid
- Sound Particles
- Storesace
- Strayboots
- Supper Stars
- Swwel
- Techwelf
- Think Future
- tIV- the INNER Value
- Tonic
- twoosk
- U.MAKE.ID European Best Manufactures
- Upstream
- Vision Tech Lab
- Voxelscope
- Wallnut – Construction business
- We are Casino
- Weasy
- WeCreateYou
- WeDoTech
- WelcomeToNet
- Wonder Cover
- YouBeep
- Zeta Mobile