Proto1 is a Microsoft program specifically designed for Series A startups to scale globally, on different tech verticals.

A 5-Month Startup Program with four different phases:
Phase 1
A 3-month program across Europe. Every 2-3 weeks, you will visit a different European city. In each city, you will have the chance to hear from other founders’ experiences, connect to local investors and Microsoft partners.
Phase 2
A 1-month program in the USA. During this month, you will visit 2 different cities in eight days. In each city, you will have the chance to hear from other founders’ experiences, connect to local investors and Microsoft partners.
Phase 3
A Microsoft Azure Event. A 2-day event focused on being fully immersed in Microsoft Azure, get all tech support and insights you didn’t even know you needed.
Demo Day
Closing day of the program, celebrating growth, connections and providing you with the opportunity to make more connections.
How it works: Step by Step
Europe and US
You’ll get access to Microsoft’s expertise in acceleration, innovation, investment and cloud technology. This program is fully tailored to your needs and will be a one-time opportunity to meet Microsoft’s experts, (corporate) partners, and everyone you need to scale globally.
Each city visit, both for phase 1 and phase 2, will be planned according to your current needs and its local ecosystem.
Deep dive into the local market:
How to adapt the sales strategy for the local market:
- Market insights and overview of the local market by Microsoft Subsidiary
- Biggest startups on the region share learnings
- Round Table about the local market – Startups with experts
- Network Dinner
- Meet the local investors 1-on-1 meetings.
- Sales Strategy Adaptation with 1-on-1 mentoring sessions about the partners they will meet.
- Startups Work on Sales Strategy.
- Dinner with Startups and Microsoft Partners.
- Startup and Microsoft Partners host 1-on-1 sessions