Getting the most out of Brisa's innovation potential

Brisa Ahead

Innovation Strategy and Governance


Create an innovation strategy and governance model common to all the BRISA Group.

Creating a future-proof innovation strategy and governance model at a Group level can be a challenge.

The BRISA Group includes several companies in the mobility sector working interconnected but with different cultures and business focus.

In order to deliver a future-proof innovation strategy and governance model, we run an internal diagnosis and collected the vision of both national and international experts on innovation from companies with a similar structure. This deep knowledge of the market allowed us to identify best practices around innovation, possible challenges, and trends that could be relevant to Brisa.

To properly evaluate the robustness of the model, we applied and tested it on fake and real innovation projects from Brisa. This allowed us to validate how the model behaved, to collect data to verify our assumptions, and iterate to a better version. We perfected the final version in co-creation with the business and corporate units in order to respond to Brisa’s context and specific needs.

Renewable energy icon

Having vision and priorities common to the entire Group

Energy management icon

Prevent effort redundancy

Asset Optimization icon

Overcome difficulties in sharing knowledge

Key Results


External stakeholders

Internal stakeholders

Brisa Ahead

The Impact

A Unified Innovation Strategy

Developed a cohesive strategy that aligns Brisa Group’s approach to innovation across all business units, ensuring clarity and focus.

ESG-Compliant Portfolio Management

Created a clear framework for managing the innovation portfolio, integrating ESG principles to meet sustainability goals while driving growth.

A Systematic Innovation Governance Model

Established a governance structure that streamlines decision-making, adds robust reporting practices and provides a consistent, repeatable approach to managing innovation initiatives.

Embedding an Innovation Culture

Introduced rituals and communication practices to foster and spread an innovation-first mindset throughout the organization.

Empowering Innovation Catalysts

Identified key individuals within business units to act as catalysts, driving forward innovation initiatives and embedding innovation across teams.

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